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Product ID : CRS36
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Electromagnetic Field Theory
The course of Electromagnetic Field Theory explains electromagnetic in a manner that is clearer, interesting, and easier to understand. The course is develope as a self-study package with easy-to-navigate interface, explaining difficult electromagnetic concepts by Flash animations, interactive examples, and numerical problems.
Unit 1: Coordinate Systems
Rectangular or Cartesian Coordinate System, Cylindrical Coordinate System, Spherical Coordinate System, Differential Length, area and volume in different Coordinate Systems, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals.
Unit 2: Vector Calculus
Del operator and Gradient of a scalar, Curl of a vector, Divergence of a vector, Gradient of a scalar, Laplacian of a scalar, Vector calculus identities, Divergence theorem, Stokes theorem.
Unit 3: Electrostatics
Electrostatic Fields, Coulombs law, Electric field intensity, Principle of Superposition, Electric field due to charge distribution- Field due to continuous volume charge distribution, Field of a line charge, Electric flux density, Gauss Law – Maxwell first equation, Electric Field due to charges distributed uniformly on an infinite and finite line, Electric Field on the axis of a uniformly charged circular disc, Electric Field due to an infinite uniformly charged sheet. Electric dipole and flux lines, Energy density in Electrostatic Fields.
Electric field in material space: Current and current density, Convection and conduction currents, Point form of ohm’s law – continuity equation for current, Metallic conductors, Conductor properties and boundary conditions, Polarization in dielectrics, Dielectric constants, Boundary conditions for perfect Dielectrics, Continuity equation and relaxation time, Poission’s and Laplace’s equations, General procedures for soling Poission’s or Laplace’s equations, Examples of the solutions of Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, Uniqueness theorem, Method of Images, Energy expended in moving a point charge in an electric field, Potential difference and Potential, Potential gradient and Relationship between, potential and electric field, The potential field of a point charge and system of charges, Potential due to infinite uniformly charged line, Potential due to electrical dipole, Energy density in an electrostatic field , Capacitance, Capacitance of various geometries.
Unit 4: Magnetostatics
Magnetostatic fields, Biot-Savart’s Law, Magnetic Field intensity due to a finite and infinite wire carrying a current, Magnetic field intensity on the axis of a circular and rectangular loop carrying a current, Ampere’s, circuit law – Second Maxwell’s equation, Application of ampere’s law, Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density, Magnetic scalar and vector potential, Forces due to magnetic field, Force on a moving charge and differential current element, Force between differential current elements, Magnetic torque and moment, Force and torque on a closed circuit, Magnetic dipole, Magnetization in materials, Magnetization and Permeability, Magnetic boundary conditions, Magnetic circuit, Potential energy and forces on magnetic materials, Inductors, Inductance and Mutual Inductance, Inductance of loops and solenoids, Magnetic energy and energy density.
Unit 5: Maxwell's Equations and Electomagnetic Waves
Faraday’s law, Maxwell’s Second Equation in Integral Form from Faraday’s Law, Maxwell’s second law, Equation expressed in point form. Transformer and motional electromotive forces, Displacement current, Modified form of Ampere’s circuital law as Maxwell’s first equation in integral form, Maxwell’s first equation expressed in point form. Maxwell’s four equations in integral form, Differential form and Point form, Retarded potentials, Poynting theorem, Poynting vector and the flow of power, Power flow in a coaxial cable, Instantaneous, Average and Complex poynting vector.
Unit 6: Polarization and Incidence of Electomegnetic Waves
Uniform Plane Waves, Maxwell’s equation in Phasor form, Plane waves in free space and in a homogenous material, Wave equation for a conducting medium, Uniform Plane waves in lossy dielectrics Propagation in good conductors, Skin effect, Linear, Elliptical and circular polarization, Reflection of Plane Wave from a conductor – normal incidence, Reflection of Plane Waves by a perfect dielectric–normal and oblique incidence. Dependence on Polarization, Brewster angle. Plane wave propagation in general directions.
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