Online Courses
Product ID : CRS39
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Electronic Devices (Electronics I)
The goal of Electronic Devices is to provide basic information of Electronic devices from material to component used. It gives the detail about component and element used in electronics devices. This courseware developes the basic concept of electronic devices by use of analogies, animation and example.
Unit 1: Semiconductor
The objective of this unit is to learn about semiconductor, their types, Energy Band.PN junction Diode, V-I Characteristics, Diodes Applications as rectifier, Wave Shaping Circuit like Clipper and Clamper.
Unit 2: Optoelectronic and Miscellaneous Devices
The objective of this unit is to learn about Diodes, their characteristics an applications. Opotoelectronic devices such as photodiodes,phototransistor,solar cell,seven segment display,photoconductive cell, thermistor, optocoupler.
Unit 3: Bipolar Junction Transistor
The objective of this unit is to learn about Bipolar junction transistor construction, basic operation, current components and equations, active, cutoff and saturation region, power dissipation in transistor (Pdmaxrating), Unijunction transistor (UJT): Principle of operation, characteristics.
Unit 4: FET Construction
The objective of this unit is to learn about FET construction, n-channel and p-channel FET, characteristics, Parameters, Equivalent model and voltage gain, Enhancement and depletion MOSFET and it’s characteristics, analysis of FET in various configuration.
Unit 5: Thyristor Family
The objective of this unit is to learn about Thyristor, SCR(Silicon controlled rectifier),It’s characteristics, Transistor analogy, Turn-on turn-off mechanism, protection circuits, Introduction to diac, Triac, Power MOSFET, IGBT and GTO.
Complete Course Rs 1800  Add to Cart 
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