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Product ID : CRS40
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Human Physiology - I (Biomedical Engineering)
Here human physiology is covered in two parts. This part describes some systems of physiology such as Cytology (Study of cell); Hematology (Study of Blood); Cardiovascular System (Study of heart); Respiratory System (Study of respiration) and at the last Excretory System (Study of Excretion). These all physiological systems are explained with the help of well organized information, good study material, different images, clear graphics, creative and informative animations, extensive visuals, interaction points, clear headings, screen-friendly fonts, attractive colours etc. All these features provide a rich learning material which is embedded to enhance the learning quality. This course develops knowledge of the Interest for the students apart allows selection of learning material that meet their requirements and also improves their level of knowledge.
Unit 1: Cytology
This unit Cytology (Cyto = cell; logy= study of) which is a branch of science dealing with study of cell and their different cell organelles. Cells groups together and makes tissue; so there is a need to study types, structure and functions of the tissue. On the whole, Skeleto-Muscular System with different types of muscles and their functions are described and for better understanding mechanism for muscle contraction and relaxation is also explained. Unit ends with interesting FAQs and Quiz.
Unit 2 : Hematology
Hematology refers to the study of blood. Our goal is to focus upon all its types, functions and properties of blood with their special functions such as defence mechanism which is part of Reticuloendothelial System.
Lymph is also an important circulating fluid in the body which is explained under the heading mentioned lymphatic System.
Unit 3: Cardiovascular System
Central Pumping organ of the body i.e. Heart in combination with Blood Vessels forms “Cardiovascular System”. The major portion of this unit covers the heart which includes its Anatomy, Morphology and Physiology.
There is a Conductive System in heart which makes the heart a special organ. It gives electrical signal (ECG) which has a great importance in diagnosis. These details are explained in this unit through animations to create better understanding.
This unit of portal also includes another parameters of heart required for diagnosis such as Heart Rate (HR), Phonocardiograph (PCG), Cardiac output etc.
Unit 4: Respiratory System
Another important vital activity of all organisms is “Respiration”. In this unit of our portal we have gone through maximum details of respiration starting with Need of Respiration, Mechanics of Respiration which includes Respiratory Organs and different Types of Respiration.
Apart from the basics physiology of respiration i.e. Transportation, Exchange and Regulation of gases are also explained. Unit ended with a brief explanation on Aerodynamics of lungs.
Unit 5: Renal System
This Unit (Renal System) includes all the organs which are required for the removal of waste from the body. The main organ responsible for this is kidney; the unit describes its morphology, structure and various functions.
More specifically the Nephron is responsible for removal of waste. It’s structure and its role in formation of urine is explained with the help of various 3D images and animations.
Unit also includes process of Micturition and Hemodialysis (Condition of kidney failure) which is explained briefly.
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