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Product ID : CRS41
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Antenna and Wave Propagation
Antenna and Wave Propagation is the important topic of communication engineering. This content covers different types of antenna their parameters, antenna measurement parameters , antenna properties and Wave Propagation covers different kinds of their mechanism and nature of various waves in atmosphere and their relation with antenna. The special feature of this content is its user interactivity and easy understanding.
Unit 1: Antenna Basics
Introduction, Transmitting & Receiving Antenna, Antenna Fields Antenna as a Terminated Device, Types of Antenna
Unit 2: Antenna Parameters
Radiation Pattern, Power Pattern, Pattern Beamwidth, Effective Length, Effective Aperture, Input Impedance, Radiation Resistance, Radiation Intensity, Beam Solid Angle, Directivity, Antenna gain, Antenna efficiency and antenna losses, Frequency Bandwidth, Antenna Temperature, Antenna Polarization
Unit 3: Linear Wire Antenna
Electric and magnetic field components, Radiation and Power Pattern, Effective Length and Effective Aperture, Radiation Resistance and Radiated Power, Beam solid angle and Directivity, Polarization, Linear Dipole, Current Distribution, Electric and magnetic field components, Radiation and Power Pattern, Radiation Resistance and Radiated Power, Effective Length and Effective Aperture, Polarization
Unit 4: Antenna Array
Two Element Antenna Array, Resultant Radiation Pattern, Directivity, N Element Antenna Array, Resultant Radiation Pattern, Broadside Array, Ordinary End-fire Array, Hansen-Wood yard End-fire Array, Directivity, Planar Array, Array Factor, Beamwidth, Directivity
Unit 5: Special Type of Antenna
Broad Band Antenna, Helical antenna, YAGI-UDA, Frequency Independent Antenna, LPDA, Aperture Antenna, Rectangular Horn , Pyramidal Horn, Circular Horn, Reflector Antenna, Plane Reflector, Corner Reflector, Parabolic Reflector, Microstrip Antenna, Loop antenna, Small circular loop , Electric and magnetic field components, Radiation Resistance and Radiated Power, Radiation Intensity and Directivity, Equivalent Circuit, Circular loop of constant current, Electric and magnetic field components, Radiation Resistance and Radiated Power, Radiation Intensity and Directivity, Polygonal Loop antenna, Square Loop, Triangular Loop, Rectangular Loop
Unit 6: Antenna Measurement Parameter
Far-field pattern measurement, Gain measurement, Directivity measurement, Impedance measurement, Current measurement, Polarization measurement
Unit 7: Introduction to Wave Propagation
Introduction, Radio-frequency spectrum, RF Propagation in Free space, Propagation Loss, Different Modes of Wave Propagation, Surface Wave, Propagation Mechanism, Losses, Range, Field strength, Applications, Space Wave, Propagation Mechanism, Range, Effect of Refraction in Troposphere, Field Strength, Applications, Different layers of Atmosphere, Refractive Index of Ionosphere and Propagation Mechanism, Effect of Earth Magnetic Field, Angle of Incidence and Critical Angle, Critical Frequency, Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF) and Optimum Working Frequency, Applications
Unit 8: Different Types of Propagation
Tropospheric Scatter Propagation, Blob Theory, Turbulence Layer Theory, Duct propagation, Duct Formation, Different types of Duct, Variations in the Ionosphere, Regular variation, Sunspots, Irregular Variation, Sporadic E, Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances(SID), Ionoshpheric Strooms
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