Online Courses
Product ID : CRS46
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Embedded system
The goal of this subject is to provide basic knowledge of embedded system development and programming concepts, the design and interfacing of microcontrollers, about the port devices, buses for networking devices and device drivers by the use of animation, simulations, analogies and examples.
Unit 1: Introduction of Embedded System
The objective of this unit is to give introduction of embedded systems, architecture, categories, memory devices and applications.
Unit 2: Input Output Device
The objective of this unit is to explain input output devices, devices for synchronous and asynchronous communication and important buses for networking these, description of I2C, CAN, USB, SPI, advanced serial high speed buses.
Unit 3: AVR Microcontroller
The objective of this unit is to explain AVR microcontroller, AVR family, architecture, memory map, instruction set through simulation.
Unit 4: Introduction to C
The objective of this unit is to explain programming concept for programming in C/C++, use of pointer, data structure, data type, arithmetic operator, port declaration, function declaration, parameter passing through examples.
Unit 5: 8051 Microcontroller
The objective of this unit is to explain 8051 microcontroller architecture, memory management, registers, instructions set, addressing modes. 8051 timer programming in C, 8051 serial port programming in C, interrupt programming in C, LCD and Keyboard interfacing with the help of example program animation.
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