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Product ID : CRS47
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Network Analysis
Network Analysis is the third semester subject which has been studied to Electronics, Electrical and Computer engineering students. In first glance the subject appears to be very difficult. SKU made it easy for them by animations which explain various concepts in interesting and colorful manner. It includes various concepts starting from the very basic Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws to the two port networks, Laplace transforms, Graph theory and Network Theorems. All the essential derivations are explained in detailed step by step manner.
Unit 1: Node and Mesh Analysis of Networks
This unit deals with basic concepts of networks and circuits starting from various circuit symbols, series & parallel combination of resisters, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, source transformation, resonance, coupled circuits, dual networks and dependent & independent sources.
Unit 2: Network Theorems and Graph
This unit explains Network graph, tree & its properties, incidence metrics, cut set & tie set matrices. Also contains various network theorems like; Norton’s, Thevenin’s, Superposition, Reciprocity, Maximum power transfer theorem and Millman’s theorems with examples.
Unit 3: Transient Analysis of Networks
This unit explains parameters of resisters, inductors and capacitors, Inductive, capacitive impedances, voltage and current phasor of resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits, power, node and mesh analysis of AC circuits, switching, DC response of RL & RL circuits and various network theorems in AC circuits.
Unit 4: Laplace Transform of Networks
This unit deals with Laplace transform its mathematical definition, its need & properties, Laplace transform of various basic function like; Unit step function, Ramp function, Impulse function, exponential function, sine & cos functions, waveform synthesis using various functions, Inverse Laplace transform and switching with numerical examples.
Unit 5: Fourier Series
This unit deals with need of signals, coefficients of Fourier series, Fourier series in trigonometric and exponential form with examples.
Unit 6: Two Port Networks and Network Functions
This unit deals with two port networks, parameters of two port networks like; Z, Y, ABCD or T & h-parameters, computation of parameters, condition of reciprocity and symmetry, interrelationship of two port networks, interconnection of two port networks, input and output impedance of two port networks, active two port networks, Network functions; Driving point impedance and transfer function, poles and zeros and necessary conditions for driving point impedance and transfer function.
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