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Product ID : CRS25
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C++ Programming
This course deals with programming concepts and the object-oriented features of C++ programming language.It is assumed that the learner is new to programming . Illustrative examples follow each new concept . We include quizs which help learner to understand the depth of the basic concepts.
Unit 1: Introduction of C++
What is language , Definition , Need of language , Communication , Between two human beings , Between two mechines , Between machine and human being , Need of comuter language , Levels ofcomputer language , Definition of C++ , Object oriented programming , Example , Object oriented programming principles , Polymorphism (Definition) , Diagram , Inheritance (Definition), Inheritance (Diagram) , Encapsulation (Definition) ,Encapsulation (Diagram) ,Installation process of C++ , Software Information , Turbo C++ editor , File_menu ,Edit_menu, Search_menu , Run_menu , Compile_menu , Debug_menu ,Project_menu , Options_menu, Window_menu, Help_menu ,Structure of C++ Program ,Generic Structure , Example , Summary .
Unit 2: Fundamentals of C++
Fundamentals of c++, Structure of C++ program ,Include lines,Include files (Definition) , Example , Stdio.h , Diagram , Class Declaration , Definition , Structure , Diagram , Guidelines , What is token , Definition, Diagram ,Keyword, Definition & Types , Types of Identifiers , Definition , Rules for Identifiers , Guidelines for Identifiers, Basic data types, Diagram , Table ,User defined data types , Structure ,Declaring a structure, Example ,Union, Definition, Example , Defining three elements ,Anonymous Union , Difference ,Enumerated data types , Enumerations , Derived data types , Arrays , Functions , Pointers , Constants , Definition , C++ supports several kinds of literal constants ,Defining constants with C++, Example , Declared & defining constants , List of some escape code ,Variable declarations , Definition , What is operators, Definition, Types of Operator , Arithmetic Operator , Comparision Operator , Logical Operator ,Bitwise Operator, Miscellanous Operator , What is Statement , Definition , Sequential Statements , Control Statements , Loops, Expression , Strings.
Unit 3 : Arrays, Pointers & Functions
Array,Initialization and Declaration,Advantages and Disadvantages,Types of array,One dimensional arrays,Two dimensional arrays,Multi dimensional arrays,Pointers,Pointer Declaration,Function,Main Function,Call by reference,Call by value,Inline Function, Arguments, Types of Arguments,Default Arguments,Const Arguments, Function Overloading
Unit 4: Objects and Classes
Objects , Example , why do we care for objects , State of an Object ,Diagram , Object Oriented Programming Principles , sulation ,Polymorphism , Inheritance , Class , Diagram ,Access fier,Defining member functions, Outside the Class Definition, Inside the Class Definition, Local Classes, Special Characteristics, Friend Function ,Declaration of Friend Function, Making An Outside Function Inline.
Unit 5: Constructors & Destructors
Constructors , Definition , Example , Declaration , Special Characteristics ,Parameterized Constructors , Example , Object Declaration , ConstructorOverloading , Example , Constructor with default argument , Example ,Destructor, Definition, Type Conversion , Automatic Conversion ,Type Casting,Types of Type Casting , Example, Explanation of Example , OperatorOverloading , Types of Operator Overloading , Overloading Unary Operators , Example .
Unit 6: Inheritance in C++
Inheritance , Inheritance Definition , Features , Diagram , TypesofInheritance , Diagram , Single Inheritance , Declaration , Example , MultipleInheritance , Declaration , Example , Multilevel Inheritance , Declaration , Example , Hierarchical Inheritance , Declaration , Example , Hybrid Inheritance , Declaration , Example , Vitual base class , Diagram , Declaration , Example , Abstract Class .
Unit 7: Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
Pointers , Pointer Initialization , Declaring variables of pointer types , Void Pointer , Example , Null Pointer , Example, This Pointer , Example ,Pointers to Pointers , Example , Pointers to Objects , Example, Virtual Functions , Properties of Virtual Functions , Rules of Virtual Functions , Pure Virtual Functions , Example Polymorphism , Types of Polymorphism , Static Polymorphism , Dynamic Polymorphism, Example
Unit 8: File Handling
Introduction , File , Program , Buffer , Files and Streams , Processing of File ,System Created File ,Classes for File Stream Operations , Opening and Closing a File , Detecting End-of File , More about Open (): File Modes , FilePointers and their Manipulations , Sequential Input and Output Operations , Updating a File: Random Access , Error Handling During File Operations , Command-Line Arguments.
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